Thursday, September 19, 2013

Woo...Bengali babe sans make-up?

Film actresses would dread to make public appearances without the grease-paint but there are a confident few who dared to exactly that. One such actress has dared the critics who were of the opinion that she looked the way she did solely because of make-up! She is none other than Richa Gangopadhyay; the actress has silenced all with her spectacular picture she posted on twitter with not a speck of makeup.

Very recently Richa had stated that Indians are fair-skin-craze people and that is the reason the fairness creams/products have a huge market here. This statement did not go too well with a few and they fired back at the actress saying she is not a heroine-material and in fact looks beautiful only because of make-up.

For all those criticisms Richa used the ultimate weapon; she has posted a beautiful picture with absolutely no make-up on twitter. Richa did not stop there she has gone on to write that she in fact has dusky complexion and also added that the secret of her glowing skin was plenty of juice, proper diet and good sleep. And we must say she looks gorgeous!

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